Local Economic Development Fund – Financial assistance
Indications :
- Projects supported by the Fonds de développement économique local de la SADC d’Antoine-Labelle must be submitted by a non-profit organization (with an economic vocation) or by a group of businesses (minimum 3 businesses) whose mission is directly linked to improving conditions in a sector of activity in the MRC d’Antoine-Labelle.
- Applicants must have their head office in the Antoine-Labelle RCM.
- Each request will be processed according to its impact on the community and the funds available.
- The SADC undertakes to give favorable or unfavorable consideration to each application that meets the criteria specified in the guidelines.
Application form for financial assistance from the Fonds de développement économique local de la SADC d’Antoine-Labelle
For more information :
Audrey Lebel
Economic Development Project Coordinator
819 623-1540 ext. 454